I had originally emailed Brigitte with the NTCR yesterday and told her I wasn’t sure if I could make it out today because of my crazy back. Happily, I woke up feeling MUCH better. I still feel ‘off’ and pretty stiff, but I am at least more mobile! So I went out and took some pictures of awesome cats!!
All kitties being fostered thanks to the North Texas Cat Rescue!
Oh my goodness. MUST SNORGLE!!
Macduff was a dream to photograph.. look at those eyes! Plus, bonus pink kitty tongue!
He is a charmer, that’s for sure.
Bubbles was a very sweet cat, but super shy and kept hiding his pretty face.
I was only able to get a shot of his pretty eyes when I was giving him some loving. 🙂
MacDuff and Pippin? Those are such cool names for cats! They’re adorable too. 🙂
Those are great kitty shots. MacDuff looks like quite the character.
I hope these kitty cats found nice homes, they are very cute and that is coming from a dog lover! LOL
i am such a fan of shelter cats and adopting that way.. i have three and they are all from the same shelter!! Tails Humane Society ! So i totally get your love for these precious gals and guys! Keep up the love!!
I’m not even a cat person by nature but these cuties make me wanna take em all in. What nice shots!
Great photos Brandi, my cat Abbey is Maggie’s twin! My 5 year old asked if that was Abbey. Love the colors and details of the kitty photos.