Sometimes you go, wait a second, where did the time go? They aren’t lying when they say it goes faster as you get older. My formerly scrawny little brother (one of three!) isn’t so scrawny, and he’s even getting married. I met up with Jonathan and Ashley in Corsicana to shoot their engagement session. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. I admit that I was perhaps a little nervous. Jonathan has the reputation in our family for refusing to smile in photos. His expression is normally one that would send many people heading in the other direction. But, I was pleasantly surprised. Perhaps Ashley has worked some kind of voodoo on my scowling little brother… Whatever it is, I can’t complain!
Onward to the photos!
In case you’re wondering what CAN make my brother smile like that.. He was totally making fun of me. Brothers, they never change.
No self respecting photographer would pass this awesome tunnel up.
After the park we headed out to some land owned by one of Jonathan’s friend’s fathers (say that five times fast). It was gorgeous. We had to drive through a herd of cows to get to the back of the property!
The light was pure perfection!
After shooting we headed back into town to grab some Mexican food before I drove back home. Many thanks to our Dad, who came along and acted as my assistant with his crazy-good reflector holding skills.
Brandi, I just love your work. Such a fun session. 🙂
Love this, he looks so happy, I only remember him as a little kid.
Great job!
Bonnie Cantu